Free Energy Transformer
In the paper " The Final Secret of Free Energy " wrote in February 9, 1993, Tom Bearden has described the principle of a device which seems able to tap Free Energy from the energy flow ( the Poynting S-Flow ) in the vaccum during the short transient phase ( the relaxation time in a conductor ) when a source is connected to a resistive load. In this paper, I am trying to clarify a bit, the basic concept of this principle.
The Tom Bearden Free Energy Collector Principle
Tom Bearden claims that when a Source ( a dipole ) is connected to a resistive load, the most important part of the principle is the information transfered to the load at the speed of light by the S-Flow. The S-Flow is pure EM energy which flows through the space and outside the conductor. This energy is Free and only this part must be used as a "free lunch". Just after this very short time, after that the switch is closed ( the transient phase ), the current begins to flow in the circuit. This transient phase is named the Relaxation Time. In copper, the relaxation time is incredibly rapid, it's about 1.5 x 10-19 sec. When the current flows ( the permanent phase ), the circuit consumes power from the Source and dissipates energy by Joule's Effet, this phase must not be used in our case.
So, according to Tom Bearden, for tapping Free Energy, the purpose is to charge a " Collector " during its relaxation time and then, to switch this Collector to a common resistive load, just before that the electrons begin to flow in the circuit.
<< We took some trapped EM energy density (a chunk of potential gradient, a "voltage" before current flows) from the source, by switching that potential gradient (energy density, which is joules per coulomb) onto a collector (containing a certain number of coulombs of trapped charges) where the potential gradient activates/potentializes/couples-to these temporarily non translating electrons. So the finite collector collected a finite amount of excess energy [joules/coulomb x collecting (trapped) coulombs] on its now-excited (activated) free electrons. Then, before any current has yet flowed from the source, we switched that potentialized collector (with its temporarily restrained but potentialized electrons; with their finite amount of excess trapped EM energy) away from the source and directly across the load. Shortly thereafter, the relaxation time in the collector expires. The potentialized electrons in the collector are freed to move in the external load circuit, consisting of the collector and the load, and so they do so. >> has said Tom Bearden.
For the Collector it is necessary to use a conductive material which has a longer relaxation time than in the copper. This is only for the electronic circuit design and the limitation of its components. So, Tom Bearden has used " a Degenerate Semiconductor " which has a relaxation time of about 1 ms. The Collector is made with 98% Aluminum and 2% Iron.
The “MEG” Motionless Electricity Generator - by Tom Bearden
"The" MEG "Motionless Electricity Generator - by Tom Bearden" takes on the style of Tesla's AC generator. However, the theory of operation is not the same as that of Tesla and Charles Proteus Steinmetz. Specifically, Tom Bearden is a follower of quantum mechanics, and all his electrical theories are based on quantum mechanics. But Tesla and Charles Proteus Steinmetz do not use quantum theory for Electricity.
Note: if we understand the nature of Tesla's AC system, then we can modify the MEG generator to become a truly free energy generator.
I still mention about "Free Energy transformer MEG" that you refer to below.
The “MEG” Motionless Electricity Generator. Tom Bearden, Stephen Patrick, James Hayes, Kenneth Moore and James Kenny were granted US Patent 6,362,718 on 26th March 2002. The patent should never have been granted as it is in direct conflict with patent 5,926,083 granted two years earlier to Kelichiro Asaoka, which implies that the MEG patent is solely for the purpose of blocking other genuine patents. This patent is for an electromagnetic generator with no moving parts. This device is said be self-powered and is described and illustrated on JL Naudin’s web site at where test results are shown. While this device has been claimed to have a greater output than its input and an output five times higher than the input has been mentioned, I am not aware of anyone who has attempted to replicate this device and achieved a COP>1 performance, and so, for that reason, it is described in this section describing devices which are unlikely to be worthwhile for the home-constructor to attempt to replicate.
Note: if we understand the nature of Tesla's AC system, then we can modify the MEG generator to become a truly free energy generator.
I still mention about "Free Energy transformer MEG" that you refer to below.
The “MEG” Motionless Electricity Generator. Tom Bearden, Stephen Patrick, James Hayes, Kenneth Moore and James Kenny were granted US Patent 6,362,718 on 26th March 2002. The patent should never have been granted as it is in direct conflict with patent 5,926,083 granted two years earlier to Kelichiro Asaoka, which implies that the MEG patent is solely for the purpose of blocking other genuine patents. This patent is for an electromagnetic generator with no moving parts. This device is said be self-powered and is described and illustrated on JL Naudin’s web site at where test results are shown. While this device has been claimed to have a greater output than its input and an output five times higher than the input has been mentioned, I am not aware of anyone who has attempted to replicate this device and achieved a COP>1 performance, and so, for that reason, it is described in this section describing devices which are unlikely to be worthwhile for the home-constructor to attempt to replicate.
The “Motionless Electromagnetic Generator” or “MEG” consists of a magnetic ring with output coils wound on it. Inside the ring is a permanent magnet to provide a steady magnetic flux around the ring. Superimposed on the ring are two electromagnets which are activated one after the other to make the magnetic flux oscillate.
The external power source shown above is intended to be disconnected when the circuit starts operating, at which time, part of the output from one of the pick-up coils is fed back to power the circuit driving the oscillator coils. The circuit then becomes self-sustaining, with no external input but with a continuous electrical output.
A re-worded excerpt from the patent for this system, is in the Appendix and it gives the construction details of the prototype: dimensions, number of turns, materials used, drive frequency, monostable pulse durations, etc.
This device is essentially, a custom-built transformer with two primary windings (the oscillator coils) and two secondary windings (the pick-up coils), with a permanent magnet inserted to create a standing magnetic field through the yoke (frame) of the transformer. However, a permanent magnet has two separate energy streams coming from it. The main field is the magnetic field which is very well known. It normally flows out in every direction, but in the MEG, a very good conducting path is provided by the frame of the device. This traps the magnetic energy flow and channels it around inside the frame. This prevents it masking the second energy field which is the Electrical energy field.
The MEG looks like a very simple device, but in actual fact, it is not. To act as a successful device with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) over 1, where the input power which is provided is less than the useful power output of the device, then Tom Bearden says that the frame needs to be made from a nanocrystalline material. This material has special properties which is supposed to give the MEG exceptional output.
The output power is controlled by the waveform being sent to the oscillator coils. The power is controlled by the exact shape of the “square wave” drive:
If a standard laminated iron yoke is used for the MEG, it will never have a COP>1 as input power will be needed to make it operate. The magnetic flux from a permanent magnet consists of two components. One component is rotary and it spreads out in every direction. The second component is linear and it gets swamped and hidden by the rotary field. If a torroidal yoke wound with an input winding over its whole length is used, then that traps all of the rotating magnetic field inside the torroid. The snag is that this requires considerable input power to energise the torroidal winding. The big advance with the MEG is that the inventors have discovered some standard off-the-shelf nanocrystalline materials which have the property of trapping the rotational magnetic field inside a torroid formed from them, without the need for any energising coil. This is a major boost to the functioning of the device.
Now, with the rotational magnetic field trapped inside the torroid, the liner field becomes accessible, and it is a very useful field indeed. It is electrical in nature. In actual fact, magnetism and electricity are not two separate things, but instead, they are different aspects of the same thing, so both should really be referred to as “electromagnetism”. Anyway, the linear field is easy to access once the rotational field has been removed. All that is necessary is to pulse it sharply. When that is done, real electricity is introduced into the MEG from the surrounding environment. The sharper the waveform, the greater the additional electrical input becomes.
Dave Lawton has experimented with the MEG arrangement, using a professionally constructed custom laminated iron yoke. He found that using the standard arrangement, he found no difference when he removed the permanent magnet. Testing various configurations, he found that the most effective set-up for his components is:
Here, the drive coils are both put asymmetrically on one side of the frame and wired so that their pulses complement each other. Then two pairs of button magnets are placed on the other side of the centreline, each side of the yoke, and bridged together with two straight vertical sections of laminated iron bar. This arrangement is sensitive to the exact position of these magnets and tuning is achieved by moving the group of four magnets and two bars (effectively two “horseshoe” magnets) slightly left or right to find the optimum position. Introducing or removing these magnets then made a considerable difference to the operation of the device.
✰* Revealed At Last: Tesla's Free Energy Generator
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
Generates Energy-On-Demand: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever
✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.
Wonderful explanation
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