Tesla Off Grid Generator

If there is one thing that the internet has promoted, it is the large amount of scams out there; one of the oldest is the Tesla generator scam. The idea is that Tesla invented a way to collect free energy and the electric companies have been keeping this power producing device a secret in order to keep making money.
Tesla was an inventor and electrical engineer in the late 1800s and early 1900s. As an inventor he helped to develop most of what became modern electrical systems. If it was not for Tesla the modern electric grid used by most of us would not have been invented. The problem with Tesla was that he was also just a bit on the outside of the belief systems of most scientists of the times. This is why he is associated with things like the Tesla generator scam, and other hoaxes that float around the internet.
Tesla Off Grid Generator
Tesla was an inventor and electrical engineer in the late 1800s and early 1900s. As an inventor he helped to develop most of what became modern electrical systems. If it was not for Tesla the modern electric grid used by most of us would not have been invented. The problem with Tesla was that he was also just a bit on the outside of the belief systems of most scientists of the times. This is why he is associated with things like the Tesla generator scam, and other hoaxes that float around the internet.
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Tesla Off Grid Generator |
Nikola Tesla Generator - Truth Or Fiction?
There has been a belief for a long time that it is possible to collect the free energy that flows around the universe.
Being able to generate our own energy would put the electric companies out of business, and whenever there are large money-making entities like the electric companies of the world, there will be people who want to believe hoaxes like the Tesla generator scam. While the truth is that there is free energy from the universe flowing around us all every day, there is not enough to actually power anything that requires electricity. On their best day the numerous free energy generators out there actually lose energy faster than they create it. The first sign that the Tesla generator scam is just that a scam is that if someone really had these plans, they would either donate them to mankind as a way to better the planet, or the more likely scenario, sell them to the highest bidder and retire.
Does it really make sense that all you have to do is buy plans off a web site and never need electricity again. OK, so that is why there has to be a conspiracy, otherwise all the billionaires that earn their money from the buying and selling of energy would be out of business. The problem with the Tesla generator scam is that the only people making any money are the ones that are willing to prey on those that are extremely gullible or the extremely paranoid of every conspiracy theory that comes along.
While most of the people who would fall for the Tesla generator scam, will tell you tall tales about secret societies that actually run the world and the fact that we are all just not aware of what is really happening, the truth is that there is nothing that has been hidden from anyone.
The real victims of things like the Tesla generator scam are the people who fork over hard-earned cash for a piece of paper with plans for something scientific looking. The maker of this and all scams spend about three cents to print things they sell for twenty bucks. Now there is a conspiracy, this group of unscrupulous people stealing money from the hopeful.
The Truth about Tesla AC Generators - Real Alternating Current Generator by Tesla:
The Secret of Getting Off the Grid
For the next couple of weeks, are you going around your home turning off lights, keeping the water heater on low, so that you are restricting showers and hot water? Yelling at the kids if they leave their bedrooms with lights blazing, TV's on, computers on, etc, etc.? We let them have all these things and then give them a hard time when they use them.
When we look around our homes, everything we use is electric. To wash, cook, clean, our entertainment. Even down to our toothbrush!!! Well, join the many millions around the world feeling the same way. But, there are ways to say goodbye to power bills and still have electricity in your home. And I mean Full Usage of electricity.
There are different alternative ideas emerging such as, solar cell systems, and Wind Turbines, even the exploration of Tesla free energy plans. When this is perfected, it will give you a perfect off grid power system.
A Tesla system is completely independent. It is not reliant on one type of weather (i.e. sun or wind). It will work in all weather conditions and run completely clean, so no smells or fumes to worry about. Also, it will be cheap to build and free to run. What other advantages will there be?
- Hot or Cold Climate, it will work.
- Power cuts will not affect you.
- Even a beginner can build one.
- Takes up little space and will work in every type of home, safely.
- Enough electricity to run everything in your home.
- You are not discharging anything harmful into the environment.
- Materials needed to build your generator are cheap and easily accessible.
- Spare cash to use.
The thinking is that the Tesla system will come to be a major source of power in the next 20 years. The big corporations are trying to suppress the information but it is too late. It's out there now. You can even get plans now for Tesla free energy, and build your own system to experiment with on your own.
So, do you want to an off grid power system? Of course you do, we all do! Do you want to use electricity in your home when and how you need it, without panicking about the bill? Of Course you do! Do you want your kids to be relaxed and not have you yelling at them to turn things off. (well, maybe turn the music down)? Of course you do!
This technology is available now for you as a project you can do for yourself. You can get instructions to make your own solar panels, or a Tesla generator, and generate power at home, alternatives that are safe, clean and environmentally friendly.
Do it yourself solar panels can be built easily and cheaply with materials easily available today. And instructions are readily accessible too, for how Tesla free energy works. Begin your quest of getting off the grid!
Alternating current generator of Nikola Tesla
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✰ Honestly, it’s like nothing you’ve ever seen and in a few minutes from now you’ll be outraged you ever paid a single cent to Big Electric…
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