What is Free Energy?

Many controversies about free energy on Quora, Reddit, and often conclude like this:

  • Nothing is free! There is no free lunch.
  • Free energy violates the law of thermodynamics
  • Nikola Tesla is just legendary and free energy. Tesla's free energy coupled with suppression is a conspiracy theory.

The Internet is the information world created by the human mind, and it is constantly being pumped in. But our mind has a different power. Who, or what dominates? If it is spiritual, then it is the dominant karma. If it is material science, then it is the "Mind Control program" and the random - imperfect

But the debate about free energy on the Internet is a place where the mind converges in real life. Therefore, there is no certainty in the debate, when we do not fully understand reality.

The debate on Free Energy is made up of many individuals. They speak according to what they know and defend their opinions. Sometimes conservative. Strong and solidly educated knowledge is sometimes unfair in debate (discussion). The court is not absolutely fair, at least.

So, I'll pretend to be ignorant of free energy.

But why do people mention Free Energy and Nikola Tesla?

The word "Free" in the dictionary

The word "Free" in the dictionary:
  • Adjective is synonymous with: courtesy, escape, loose, generous, idle, disengaged
  • Verbs are synonymous with: liberation, freedom, release

In my opinion, "Free" in Free Energy is a verb.

Ever since free energy?

"Free energy" can have a long time ago. Philosophers will understand differently from ordinary people. Most likely they will understand the word Free verb.

In classical physics, there is talk of permanent motion and "Overunity". This is a problem related to Free Energy. So Free Energy has a long history, and it is understood in a different sense than it is now. And the word Free is understood according to the verb.

But why do people mention Free Energy and Nikola Tesla?

Tesla is famous for Radiant Energy in Aether, but little is known about Aether. 

Radiant Energy in Aether show potential: Electricity can be extracted right in the air.

Note: The radiant energy defined by mainstream science on Wikipeida does not mention Tesla and Ether. Tesla's radiation energy is understood in a different way, which I will talk about later.

That potential of electricity extraction is reported by the media. Tesla is not strong enough to speak to everyone - the media said for Tesla.

In that context, I guess many would argue: If there was an energy receiver from the air, then electricity would be free - without having to pay after buying the receiver. This is a misunderstanding, and to this day, there are comments that understand that - means not to pay.

What Tesla announced is only half the deck of free energy. Mainstream science is holding half of that deck. An official card game where only half the deck will lead to controversy and stop the game.

Academic science only plays with half of Nature's deck. And patent US685957A is half a deck of free energy. The US685957A patent is part of the suppressed Aether technology, which Tesla never revealed. It is part of teleportation and space travel technology, and also free energy in Aether. See Gerry Vassilatos' secret Cold War technology secret and you'll see it.

Does free energy really work?

Today, there are many ways and theories about free energy. But first, let's talk about Tesla's radiant energy.

Here is Tesla's US685957A patent for Radiant Energy receiver:

Free Energy - Tesla's US685957A patent for Radiant Energy receiver
Tesla's US685957A patent for Radiant Energy receiver

According to some professors' websites and the Electronic Journal, the Radiant Energy receiver system really works.

This is a conclusion of Electronics Magazine:
At this time, it may not generate Kilowatts of power for household or industrial purpose but if the circuit is improved by using Zener diodes with respective resistors, capacitors and if broadness of Antenna and height is increased then there is enough power can be generated to charge an ordinary invertor battery continuously.
If properly designed and connected to the invertor it can light one ordinary tube light, one ceiling fan, one laptop and one wireless modem which can run on invertor and invertor charges continuously with the radiant energy. (Source)
Many other free Energy inventions also work. However, there are also many scammers to donate to the Free Energy program. Many videos on Youtube about free energy are scams, the creators of that video channel want to increase views to make money with YouTube partners.

Documentary about free energy - 

Nikola Tesla and John Bedini: "Electric Segment" to create Radiant Energy in Engines - Free Energy:

✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

Generates Energy-On-Demand: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever

✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity
✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.

So, what is free energy?

Definition: Free energy is the energy generated during energy conversion. Energy transitions need a conversion system. Free energy appears inside or outside the system and can be extracted.

Not all energy transitions produce Free Energy. Especially the operation and conversion of energy according to the Law of Thermodynamics will not generate free energy. Therefore, Free Energy is born with a special Power Conversion Technology.

Aether doctrine

To build convertible structures inside and outside the system, we need a physical theory for Free Energy. The Aether doctrine that tesla uses and develops is a very good doctrine for Free Energy. However, according to many studies, the Aether doctrine has been suppressed.

The elimination of Aether by the Michelson – Morley experiment was ridiculous. This has been talked about by Wikipedia, and it is a famous failure experiment. Because it was a failure to eliminate Aether, science had to use the Lorentz transform in length spasms to explain the failure. That is the way pure mathematics is used to solve Physics.

Later, Einstein added the postulate of a constant speed of light in the Lorentz transform of length contraction to formulate the theory of special relativity. At that time, although Aether was not solved, but with hunger theory, it was not necessary.

Later, when Einstein formulated general relativity and the Unified School theory, he mentioned Aether again, saying that Aether was not to be missed, although it was unimaginable. However, the media does not propagate this. This is a sign of Aether suppression and free energy. In addition, there are other secrets about Aether, suppressing free energy with Aether, you can find out more for yourself (this problem is only for the brave or the professor)

Zero point energy (ZPE)

This is also the energy that appears in energy conversion. And ZPE is also free energy.

Zero-point energy (ZPE) is much controversial in modern science. It comes from classical physics with the fact: "It is impossible to create a vacuum without anything". Later the Casimir effect in quantum physics also showed that.

Thermodynamic laws are based on absolute vacuum and particles in a vacuum.

With ZPE and quantum physics, the law of thermodynamics is not complete. Because the vacuum is not completely empty.

Can we find the connection between Aether and zero energy? However, this article please stop here. Contact for readers. You can leave a comment below.


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