Harnessing Electricity from the Grid and the Earth

How to harness electricity from the grid and combine metal plugging into the ground to harness electricity.

Harnessing Electricity... Not zero point Energy (ZPE)! 

This is not free energy type zero-point energy. Although free energy is real, and there are many ways to exploit it. The nature of free energy is that of energy from Aether (Ether).

Homemade Generator

The system that I would recommend is still the most basic principle for generating electricity, which is the rotation - magnet around the coil. But it is a homemade generator.

This is a block diagram for a homemade generator:

 block diagram for a homemade generator
block diagram for a homemade generator

Diagram for homemade generator includes:

The most important problem now is the kinetic energy source! As the title of this article "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth", you might have guessed, is from the grid itself and from the ground. We will explore each issue.

Electricity from the Grid and the Earth
"Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" System

Kinetic Energy Source for Homemade generator

The main source of energy generating kinetic energy is the grid or from backup generator for home.

Example: The electric fan we use draws its power from the grid - this is the kinetic energy source for rotational motion. Therefore, electricity also generates kinetic energy. However, if we use this kinetic energy source to create rotational motion and feed the homemade generator, then we will not benefit anything. Because according to the law of conservation of energy, there will be no new energy greater than the initial energy provided at the input.

The solution is summarized through the sequence steps below
  1. Take half the electrical power at the grid
  2. Filter out the AC power frequency with the same frequency (frequency F1, F2, F3, ...), but different amplitude
  3. For frequencies F1, F2, F3, ... resonate together to create amplitude MAX, and create a new AC wave is F amplitude MAX.
  4. Insert the AC wave with this frequency F into the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system.

What happens?

With only half the electric power at the input, but it produces 3 times more than when not using the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system. 
That is, the output power is 6 times of the input power, with the input being the utility company 's grid.


Firstly, as mentioned above, the resonance phenomenon maximizes the possibility of the AC wave state with frequency F

Secondly, the interior of the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system contains a way to remove the electromotive force (EMF back) - this is the factor that makes the AC motor limited to a certain threshold.

Thirdly, inside the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system there are many AC feedback circuits, like "noise" waves. The feedback circuit does not allow this excess "noise" to be wasted, but returns to complement the system.

Also special is that within the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system there is an additional internal system to "summon" energy from the earth. This is an additional and free power source to power the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system, and you can generate 90% of the power for free, depending on the system optimization and the best grounding method.

Explain more about the frequency of electricity and how to "summon" electricity from the earth

The electricity we use by utility companies (mains) is AC power with a frequency of 50 - 60 Hz. Theoretically, AC power is represented by the function y = Sinx.

According to Fourier, the function y = sinx is the sum of infinitely many functions with different frequencies, those other frequencies are called harmonic frequencies.

And even square waveforms (pulses) can be transformed into an infinite sequence of different frequencies by Fourier

Continuous Fourier transform is the general form of a pre-existing concept, that is, the Fourier series. The Fourier series develops periodic functions f (x) with period 2π (or functions with bounded determinants) in sequence of sine functions:

where Fn is a complex amplitude. For real functions, Fourier series can be written as:

where an and bn are Fourier constants (real value).

Devices in the "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system will extract the values ​​F1, F2, F3, .... as mentioned above

The earth's electricity is in the form of static electricity, in a potential state. Therefore, it is not considered electric oscillation. But Electricity in a potential state like a battery is very easy to transform into a square wave (square pulse). So, according to Fourier Transform, this is the basis for extracting Ac power from the earth.

Now, I will talk about electricity from the earth ...

The Electricity of the earth complements the Homemade Generator

Historically there have been inventions of Earth Batteries. In particular, there is also an invention to exploit free energy from the earth and from the sky. All inventions of free energy are suppressed, all that remains is "myth". Nikola Tesla is the most famous free energy myth.

Currently, there are many unorthodox scientists who study the Free Electric and Energy Universe. They work for mysterious companies, or some secret project. There are also some people who study free energy to mine Bitcoin - having energy is money!

"Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" is also considered a free energy system, because it produces an output power greater than the input power (COP> 1). Electricity from the Grid and the Earth is a free energy extraction system, but it is not "real free energy", because it is not zero point energy and Aether.

If you want free energy, you need to learn for yourself first - think outside the box. You then synthesize your knowledge and experiments to create free energy. Books about free energy on the Internet do not explicitly talk about a free energy invention. Because they only write down 50% to 80% of the truth about the free energy they have created. You still need to research and create your own way.

He who has free energy, he has power, and at least they have money. Having free energy is possible to create Bitcoin, virtual money, or provide energy for a factory of its own.

Researching on free energy is exactly what goes into gold mining. And in particular, free energy will change the world! Physics students study free energy, that is, they are taking their youth to dig for gold, or change the destiny of the world.

A good free energy website that helps you learn on your own: https://ultimate-energizer.blogspot.com/p/free-energy-books.html

Back to the issue of Earth's electricity exploitation.

Introduction One way of harnessing Electricity from the Earth:

That is one way! But...
The "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" system doesn't fully exploit electricity that way, although there are some similarities to the way above the video. An electric potential of about 47 million watts inside the earth needs to be summoned using an LC oscillator and an electronic circuit system including transistors. That's the way "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth" does.

Download Electricity from the Grid and the Earth System creation guide

The creator of Electricity from the Grid and the Earth is a "crazy professor". He is a free energy researcher. What he reveals is really useful to everyone, and he is an enemy of the electricity industry.

✰* Revealed At Last: Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand

✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator

Generates Energy-On-Demand: Easy Power Plan Will Change Our World Forever

✔ Currents are 180 out of phase with each other, Lenz's law naturally is broken
✔ Principle of Resonance to achieve Overunity

✔ Generate generators without rotating motion, but based on the principle of rotating magnets. Because magnetism varies based on electronic circuit design: coils, capacitors, Negative resistance, etc.The change of magnetism does not require the rotation of the magnet.

The most brief summary of "Electricity from the Grid and the Earth":

Using frequency and resonance filtering method
Remove the Electromotive force (EMF) back to the best way. Tesla once did, but it is a lost invention and goes into legend. And "crazy professor" researches how Tesla eliminates EMF back.
Harness electricity from the earth to supplement the system

You and your family will always be protected and constantly having enough green energy for cooking and preserving your food…NO LONGER at the mercy of FEMA and the Government.

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